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Re: [Land-speed] Dahlgren blather

To: "Kirkwood" <>, "'Ed Van Scoy'" <>
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Dahlgren blather
From: "Dave Dahlgren" <>
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 17:13:02 -0500
I think my so called problem of attitude is I personally have zero patience 
for pronouncements with no math or logic included. The last example was the 
balancing thing if it is a waste of time show the math that supports the 
theory. Back in the 80's I talked at great length with Stewart Warner 
engineers about balancing theory and practice so I would have a clue 
balancing engines with a newly purchased balancer. What I go out of the days 
long discussions was you can balance a poorly designed crankshaft and still 
be in trouble. There is a lot more to it that just making the machine happy. 
The real truth is balance of sorts is almost like a torque curve there is a 
sweet spot and a range either side of it and the goal is the get the balance 
spot on for the range of interest where maximum effort is required. There is 
a good deal of math involved that describes how it all works. I have 
personally made some HP gains with balance and when you start looking at the 
numbers they can get to crazy values. Do a Google search on John Heywood and 
MIT and you will find various books and papers regarding everything to do 
with internal combustion engines. The SAE is another good choice though the 
info is not free but they did generate the knowledge for free either so you 
get what you pay for. Personally I have thousands tied up in books that 
matter and SAE publications all read and most understood fairly well. Some 
theory some practical application and refer to them when a problem does not 
make sense and add to them when needed to solve a new problem. If my 
punctuation and spelling skills fail at times it is the way it is when you 
spend the better part of life working on math physics and practical 
applications of them the best I can do is press F7 and hope for the best. My 
education in writing grammar and style were personally limited for a bunch 
of reasons that there is no need to get into here but at the time it was a 
waste of time and energy in my opinion as a child and lets just leave it at 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kirkwood" <>
To: "'Ed Van Scoy'" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 3:57 PM
Subject: [Land-speed] Dahlgren blather

> "Free exchange of ideas" is exactly the point, Ed . . . but somehow you
> missed it. Dave's knowledge and experience is not in question (although I
> purposely put the dig in to make a point). Instead he chooses to ridicule
> ideas in a condescending and demeaning manner. . . and you don't consider
> that a flame!  John said nothing to elicit such a response from Dave.  If
> the physics bothers Dave then educate us. There are a few people on this
> list that can out "physics" or "EE" all of us. They choose to use their
> intellect in a positive, informative manner. Perhaps you consider ridicule
> an opinion . . . I don't.
> PS: Dave and I are corresponding off-list in a civil manner.

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