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Re: [Land-speed] Tire Diameter

To: "Dick J" <>, "Landspeed"
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Tire Diameter
From: "J.D. Tone" <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2008 20:33:00 -0800
In my opinion only, a speed just before it comes apart......Actually I don't
know. I do not think they are given a speed. I believe a fuel roadster has
lost tread on a shaved 550-18 Dunlop, which is 30", right at 240 mph. I looked
at mine after every run as every one should with their tires of any kind. I
don't believe anyone has spun them to destruction.

If I had a really fast vehicle I would be looking for the new hi speed MT's or
GoodYears. I believe the MT's are 30"

To me keeping a vehicle "hooked up" and not having tire spin will keep them
from coming apart. Slipage and heat are the enemy.
  JD, what speed would a set of "scalped" Dunlop tires be approved for?

  Dick J
  In East Texas

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