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Re: Non LSR but informative No. Korea nuclear test

To: joseph lance <>
Subject: Re: Non LSR but informative No. Korea nuclear test
From: Bryan Savage <>
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 11:59:00 -0700
Too me, North Korea has been the real threat for many years.
Because if they can make a weapon, they immediately sell it to get hard cash.
We better be ready to buy them no matter what the cost or good by NYC
and LA harbor. 10KT in either location will destroy the US economy
according to Warren Buffett in an interview I saw.

Bryan   (Down wind from San Francisco)

joseph lance wrote:
> So it may have been an inefficient dud.
> If I remember correctly, the bomb we tested in New Mexico was a Uranium 
> bomb. Both of the bombs we used in Japan used Plutonium. After the 
> Uranium bomb test, confidence was so high that the Plutonium bombs would 
> work there was no need to test them before hand.
> So the North Korean technology must be very poor if they used Plutonium 
> and still produced a dud, so they are probably a long way from 
> weaponizing it for use on a ballistic missile--still very scary if they 
> or some terrorist group can get such a dud near one of our harbors.
> Lance

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