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Re: Car of your future?

To: joseph lance <>
Subject: Re: Car of your future?
From: Bryan Savage <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 07:27:43 -0700
Gasoline is $8.00 a gallon in the UK now and they haven't even started
to switch to Hydrogen. I wonder what it will take here.. $20.00 a gallon??


joseph lance wrote:
> mayf;
> Only a very small % of electric utility plants have ever been fired with 
> oil.
> Natural gas fired plants got very popular because environmental regs 
> made new coal plants expensive and NG plants in the combined-cycle 
> config are very efficient and clean by comparison and NG was relatively 
> cheap and plentiful--that's changing, we're now importing NG.
> Electricity demand keeps growing (all those computer servers,etc) and 
> old plants have to be retired, so a lot of new coal and NG plants are 
> being built and some new nuclear plants will be ordered soon.
> Nuclear spent fuel storage and Yucca Mountain problems are more 
> political than technical. We could greatly reduce the volume of spent 
> fuel and its radiation (lot of energy still in it) by reprocessing but 
> that's also political and the economics aren't favorable right now.  I 
> wouldn't fear living next door to Yucca even if it gets filled up--the 
> radiation dose will be non-existent or negligible. In contrast, I'll bet 
> you get a measureable increase in your annual radiation dose when you go 
> to the higher altitude Bonneville salt flats.
> Electricity is never going to get cheap again, the economy of scale 
> benefits from larger and larger plant sizes isn't there any more.
> It's all driven by economics, so oil (and gasoline) is going to have to 
> get significantly more expensive before any one will make the capital 
> investments needed to replace it with Hydrogen or anything else.
> Lance

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