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Re: Important helmet technology: foil helmet liners (non-LSR)

Subject: Re: Important helmet technology: foil helmet liners (non-LSR)
From: Dick J <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 16:33:38 -0800 (PST)
You just got there at the wrong time.  I drove through there on the way home 
from WOS 2003.  Got way behind schedule and drove most of New Mexico after 
dark.  Spent too much time parked along side the road in Winslow, Arizona 
waiting to see if we could spot a "girl in a flatbed ford".   Didn't arrive in 
Roswell until about 1:30am.  On the long, long, dark road there, I saw what I 
thought were police car lights way off on a side road.  My son informed me from 
the dark back seat - - - "That's what THEY want you to think."   Later, I 
spotted a tall radio tower with rotating beacon off in the distance and I was 
informed - - "That's what THEY want you to think."  Just after midnight the 
radio started making strange noises and I couldn't get a clear signal.  Too far 
from any stations.  Yep,  - - "That's what THEY want you to think."   For a 
distance, we shadowed a train carrying box cars loaded with new cars on their 
way to dealers.  Uh Huh - - - "That's what THEY want you to think."  

The humor and laughter made the late-night drive fun and entertaining, and it 
was interesting touring the small museum and gift shops in Roswel the next 
  Dick J
  In East Texas wrote:
  -------------- Original message from Jon Wennerberg : -------------- 
> Did I ever tell you about the time Nancy and I were on the Gold Wing 
> driving through the Area 51 neighborhood -- and way down the road up 
> ahead I saw flashing lights, like maybe a cop car? We kept riding, the 
> light(s) got closer and closer, and pretty soon sure enough here comes 
> not one not two but a whole batch of cop cars, the first of which 
> stopped us and made us get off the road. There wasn't much of a 
> shoulder -- the embankment went down about four or five feet, so I told 
> the guy I'd just stop on the skinny shoulder, but no, we had to move 
> off farther. 

Brenda & I drove thru the area 51 roads on a walk_about/drive tour before
the 2003 WOS! 
AND we didn.t see anything out of the ordinary NADA, nothing, not even 
a Jack-a-Lope. 
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