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Gas prices

Subject: Gas prices
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 17:22:15 EDT
Every company needs to make a profit to stay in business, but the profit the 
oil companies have made are record breaking. What I hear people say is we 
should conserve gas. I will never get caught up in conserving anything again. 
let me tell you why. Back in the 70's they got on the kick to conserve 
electricity ( I worked for a electric utility) so people did. It was working 
and the 
consumption of electricity was dropping so now what happens the profits were 
dropping also. The only thing left was to raise the price of electric which 
they did. Now we can pay more for less what a good deal that was for the 
companies. The oil companies will do the samething you got me once but not 
twice!! I just hope I live long enough to see a cheap alternative fuel and make 
gas worthless.
Larry Mac

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