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Re: Fw: Racer Info

To: "Thomas E. Bryant" <>,
Subject: Re: Fw: Racer Info
From: "Pork Pie" <>
Date: 06 Oct 2005 20:15 GMT
Right Tom,

The Herda car was a beauty - now, to Jack Costella's information, the car is 
complete restored some years ago by the today owner Dennis Varni (he lives 
close to San Jose). Dennis drives the old Markley Lakester at the salt.

The Car done some great FIA records - his class 9 record from 1965 was broken 
by the Hoffman & Markley streamliner in 1992, his class 10 record from Rick 
White with the Autopower from the late Nolan White in 1990. This car was dam 
fast for the sixties.

See ya

Pork PIe

"Thomas E. Bryant" <> schrieb:
> Wendy,
> This was the Bob Herda car #999. Here is the info I gathered from my
> programs...
> #999 B/Streamliner built & owned by Bob Herda - Portola CA
> 1961 Herda & Hartelt - Class Record 248.281 MPH set by Fred Lavell 1957
> 1963 Herda & Cagle- Class Record 249.32 MPH Hammond-McGrath-Whipp 1962
> 1965 Herda, Knapp & Alderson - Class Record 302.812 MPH Hammon-
> McGrath-Whipp 1963
> 1966 Herda, Knapp & Milodon (Don Alderson)
> 1967 Herda, Knapp & Milodon set record @ 326.853 MPH
> Bob Herda died in the car at Speedweek 1969.
> I have attached an article written by Bob Knapp about Bo Herda.
> Tom, Redding CA - #216 D/FCC

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