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Fwd: SCCA Bulletin,applies to LSR

To: land-speed@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Fwd: SCCA Bulletin,applies to LSR
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 12:36:24 EST
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Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 12:30:34 EST
Subject: SCCA Bulletin,applies to LSR
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Fellow list members, LSR enthusiasts  and any other venue this may apply to,
SCCA released the following bulletin  regarding use of full face (closed)
helmets and air bags. It appears there is a  potential for broke  jaws
from the chin  piece of the helmet being hit by the deploying air bag. I 'd
assume there are  members with production class vehicles with still
Air Bags that this  might apply to. I don't know if there is an official SCTA
policy on this, but I  believe it bears at least a little research by
individual racers and the  sanctioning organizations . Concessions should
never be an
option with SAFETY  .
Bob Wanner in NY
Herebs the bulletin that was  distributed.
DATE:   November 16,  2004
FROM:    National  Staff
TO:     All  Participants
SUBJECT:   Airbag  Advisory
It has been  brought to the attention of SCCA Technical Services that
the use  of full-face or closed-face helmets  while driving vehicles
with active airbag  restraint systems may result in injuries  in the
event of a crash that  deploys  the airbag. Because of the  location of
the steering wheel relative to  a  driverbs position, the airbag  axis is
on a level with the driverbs  chin. In a  crash with airbag deployment,
contact with the chin area of a  full-face  helmet can be so powerful
bthat the risk of fractures to the jaw cannot be  ruled outb (Hubert
Gramling, FIA Institute, FT3/AF,  18.5.1999). This applies  to  vehicle
that may be used in Solo, RallyCross, High Performance Car  Control
Clinics,  etc.    Therefore, it is highly  recommended that full-face
helmets not be used in  vehicles with functional airbag systems.
Potentially  more restrictive language  is currently being considered
for 2005, which could appear in  an early 2005  issue of FasTrack.  If
you have any questions, please  contact the SCCA at  (800)  770-2055.

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