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Re: sorry

To: Skip Higginbotham <>
Subject: Re: sorry
From: Joe Amo <>
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 18:01:11 -0600
John, keep up the rws stuff, because so many say it cant
be done makes me more hopeful that someone like you
will show them wrong,  makes me want to do it just for that

I have had more people tell me that the things I do with
my one liter nitrous isnt possible then I can count

rws cant work, but it went 760, I suppose the trainer
that proved it could be done didnt work either

Joe :)

go get em


>y subject that you bring up..

>...the point of
>this list is to have discussions.
>While I don't agree that there is any advantage in using RWS, I certainly
>want to read the discussion on it. How else can I learn what others know
>about a subject????? 
>Keep it coming,
>At 12:58 PM 10/6/2003 -0500, john robinson wrote:
>>I'm sorry about the RWS thread cluttering up some peoples' mailboxes. I've 
>>been an advocate of RWS for the last couple of years, and feel that the 
>>List is the place to discuss it. There were several emails that basically 
>>said " I don't care about this thread, why is it here?" If I have offended 
>>you by asking/answering questions that I have an interest in, I apologize. 
>>I didn't realize that ONLY approved interests were to be discussed here.
>>          John Robinson, Mechanician
>>  Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin
>>                1513 University Ave.
>>                 Madison, Wi. 53706
>>                    608-262-3606
>>           Current World Land Speed Record Holder
>>                 Bonneville Salt Flats
>>          H/GCC 92 1980 Dodge Colt
>>                 144.396 MPH set 2000
>>      MPS-PG 441 c.c. 1967 BSA Victor Motorcycle
>>                    95.193 MPH set 2001
>>                Antarctic Ice Driller Oct02-Jan03

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