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RE: Christmas

To: "'Dave Dahlgren'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Christmas
From: "rgribble" <>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 20:20:20 -0500
I for one, enjoy your posts and read them with great respect.
If you have a long dissertation to post, send it to me, I'll create a
webpage out of it and send the URL back to the List. That way you can
make it as long as you want, include pictures and diagrams, equations
and sequences of operation. Be sure to send me a picture of you (alas I
don't have one on hand) and I'll post it in a prominent place.
Hope it snows in the North East for you for Christmas. 
All my best,

"Do what others Won't and you'll do what others Can't for the rest of
your life"

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Dave Dahlgren
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 11:02 AM
Subject: Christmas

For Christmas I want to send a message that is longer than 4k to this
list so
when someone asks a tech question that is more complicated than 'me too'
it will
go through...I answered Bob's SBC question pretty clearly but alas it
was longer

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