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Re: Motorcycle streamliners that fell over ...

To: Glenn Ridlen <>
Subject: Re: Motorcycle streamliners that fell over ...
From: Ralph Forsythe <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 13:32:17 -0600 (MDT)
On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Glenn Ridlen wrote:

> But at least the string and weight would tell you that the lean and the
> turn are balanced or "coordinated" and you are not falling over.

Ahh, this is true.  I guess for true diretional awareness you would need a
compass or other direction-aware instrument too.  By the time you do all
that though, it's like driving "ISR" (Instrument Salt Rules).  I dunno...
Some indication of what's going on would be useful, but at those speeds
constantly shifting your eyes around could be bad, and room for error is

Since you can't really see much of anything, what about an optical
arrangement?  Could even be as simple as a couple of mirrors that give you
a more "heads up" view of your path, but still allow you to remain low.

At some point this thing is just gonna be a long luge with optics in the
helmet, a ton of horsepower strapped on, and a rider with a deathwish...
I'll buy tickets though. =)


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