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Re: Tires

To: "Ed Van Scoy" <>, "DrMayf" <>
Subject: Re: Tires
From: "landspeedracer" <>
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 10:15:26 -0500
As I understand it the reason for slick tires is that they increase surface
area and theoretically increase traction on a dry surface. Treaded tires
have less contact area, but have edges to grip and ridges to allow moisture
to escape therefor increasing traction on a less than try surface.

John B.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Van Scoy" <>
To: "DrMayf" <>
Cc: "gary baker" <>; "Rick Byrnes"
<>; "rgribble" <>; "'Dave
Dahlgren'" <>; "list" <>
Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2002 12:02 AM
Subject: Re: Tires

> Mayf,
> Haven't heard any comments about treaded VS slicks (tires) in
> your calculations..... treaded tires increase surface area
> (thus resistance) so that will affect your final numbers. BUT,
> what happens when the treads fill with salt & how do you
> figger that variable in????
> ed (been there with treaded tires - didn't work well)
> ---- Original message ----
> >Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 17:09:54 -0800
> >From: "DrMayf" <>
> >Subject: Re: Tires
> >To: "gary baker" <>, "Rick Byrnes"
> <>, "rgribble"
> <>, "'Dave Dahlgren'"
> <>, "list" <>
> >
> >Nope, ol mayf didn't bollix it up. Was talking about the
> coefficient of =
> >friction between the road and the rubber and stuff in
> between. The =
> >factor you quote is an old one and relates to rolling
> resistance, not =
> >how slippery the road and rubber contact is.. Oh, and there
> are several =
> >of those friendly formulas for rolling resistance, gotta know
> the tire =
> >and surface conditions for use and then you get to pick the
> one that =
> >meets your guess..
> >
> >mayf
> >  ----- Original Message -----=20

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