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To: "'Jonathan Amo'" <>,
Subject: RE: WOS
From: "Clay, Dale" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 07:07:51 -0700
Hi Jon,

A huge THANKS for the excellent reporting and great pics.  I'm bummed I
didn't make it.  Looks great and from the comments from people like Mayf &
Wes it sounds like a truly wonderful time.

Dale C.

Subject: WOS


Returned home from a great event at World of Speed.
One of the days pictures links were messed up on I fixed the links tonight. So you probably
missed out on that days pictures. I also updated for the last day of the
event with pictures and commentary.
I really didnt want to leave, I had a great time.
Cant wait for World Finals.

Jonathan Amo

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