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Grib's new ride

To: <>
Subject: Grib's new ride
From: "rgribble" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 00:26:19 -0700
I got my new motor from Doc Jeffries on my trip back from B'Ville. Twin =
turbo V6 Chevy, looks great (small and cute).  BTW Doc and Wendy are =
truly great people and great racers. I wish them well and am proud I can =
call them my friends. Fair and Honest and great to deal with.

So the new motor (and a speedometer) is the start of something special =
for next year. Don't know just yet what's it to be, but I have some =
ideas. I've included a pix of each for your viewing.


"Do what others Won't and you'll do what others Can't for the rest of =
your life"

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[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 

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