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Re: Water tank question

To: George Mitchell <>
Subject: Re: Water tank question
From: Glen Barrett <>
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 17:32:16 -0800
When locating and securing the weight box's or billets I cannot tell you how
important the securing part is. Last month we had an incident with an Opal that
had ballest come loose in the car and when the car stopped there were pieces of
heavy ballest some 800 foot down course. These were poorly attached and every
one came out. The driver was very lucky as none of them got to him only by pure
luck. This goes for anything of mass, Batterys, water tanks, Fire X bottles etc.

Glen ( who has seen lots of this stuff )

George Mitchell wrote:

> Thanks for the responses everyone .
> The deeper I get into this project the more I appreciate what everyone is
> doing out there . In drag racing the formulaes seem to be pretty
> simple ---more horsepower ,less weight etc.
> Its not like I can go ask someone now " So when you ran your Porsche with a
> desoto hemi in it what did you do ?" This is really taking some head
> scratching . I love it !!  I do appreciate the input from the list though .
> It helps me keep all of the ideas running around in my head from driving me
> nuts.
> I moved the driving position back in the car pretty far ( compared to stock)
> and I was going to use lead to ofset my own weight ( 280 #) In addition
> there is quite a lot of space between the motor location and the spindles --
> plenty of room there to add a weight box of some kind. I think I may weld up
> additional tanks to weight it more as necessary. The desoto motor weighs a
> tonne  too !
>  Sometimes its still tough for me to think exactly the opposite on the
> weight thing.
>  George in a very cold and windy DC
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2000 10:54 PM
> To:;;
> Subject: Re: Water tank question
>      George,  Since some-one said one picture is worth a thousand words, I
> should have mentioned the photos in the Black Radon Eng. website . There
> are well over 100 pics, and about 60 of them are of the construction phase .
>        You can click on image 44 and see the left side water ballast tank
> ( with the red locking filler cap ) behind the driver' s seat ..... it' s
> seen from
> the front in image 19, which also shows the aluminum trans cooling case
> in front passenger area . Images 17, 43, and the very last one also show
> the ice cooler case that holds the coiled aluminum tubing for heat transfer
> .
>        In the Speedweek 2000 group of photos, the first two rows on top
> include a nice shot of the Amo Bros. on the starting line .......  AND
> .......
> our very own Keith mugging it up with Darrell at the bet payoff !   Please
> note that although Darrell won the Diet Coke Bet ..... Keith is drinking it
> !!!
>       There is also a " moving " slide show of salt pics on this site
> .......
> but it moves kind of fast to really focus on the cars / people !
>       You can check it out at :
>       Bruce,  on very rainy, windy shoreline of Connecticut  ........
>              missing the warm days in California / Utah this past August

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