I think you have defined the problem:
"One thing I tried was to remove the coil wire
and try cranking it over �and
she spins over freely like it ought�a -but with
the wire back in place, it
labors. -making you wonder if it will or if it
Removing the spark from the plugs stops the
Try retarding the initial timing 20+ degrees. If
it cranks OK
then the problem must be excessive advance while
cranking. The advance
control may have failed and the fail safe state
will be full advance.
I am assuming that the advance is electronic not
Bryan Savage
Doug Anderson wrote:
> Hey folks;
> Been havin� some serious �startin� problems with Boogie Woogie
> lately��. Why would my 332" 327 with 10-1 compression...act like "the
> battery was low" and grind over, you know like a typical chevvie thats got a
> "hot starter motor"??? something like; GRRuhhhhhh, GRRuhhhh, GRRuhhhin,
> GRRuhhhinn, Grinnddddd.....
> ..�it all started last weekend really....and can be downright embarrasin' at
> times it can. The whole setup in Boogiewoogie has 16,000 on it now. All
> was new or rebuilt when she was finished -except the 1 1/2 yr old battery.
> All was right with the world until last week. As of this writing I have
> replaced the starter with another rebuilt BIGBLOCK one, and bought a brand
> new 75 month 990 cold cranking amps battery from NAPA�..to the tune
> of about a hunnert an� a �quata for the two�.OW. -on my Collegggg
> allowance. OW.
> It ain�t no better boys. WHAT GIVES????? HELP !!?!!?
> here's what were'r workin' with;
> 332" motor 10-1 compression; 327 Chev 1966 block and ported 1.94intake,
> 461 heads
> Comp Cams hydraulic 285 degree, 490 lift rumpity cam
> (she maintains 17 " of vacuum during a coast condition at highway speeds...)
> A "stock" Chev point distributor circa 1966-69; with "the door."
> -inside is Mallory all the way. (brass contact cap & rotor with 5000mi.
> on'em?)
> Ignition is by MSD 6A box and coil. Points serve only as trigger.
> Dwell 29-30
> Vacuum advance hooked up normally, runs off manifold vacuum port on OFFY 3x2
> intake. Best quality MSD �spensive 8.8mm wires are used. And
> Autolite 303 plugs. �whiht maybe 3000 miles on them?
> Timing is set pretty normally. -Though I've always been a little perplexed
> as to WHY the marks never really seemed to be where they should when it is
> running good -and boy does she ever run GOOD! lotsa power. Just always
> timed�er by �by ear� and did fine. Been doin� it that way all my life it
> seems like! Decent fuel mileage (14-16.5 mpg with a 3.5 rear gear at
> freeway speeds�) even with the cranky three deuces. Which are run
> progressively. No matter what I've tried it always runs generally rich
> -gets to your eyes at traffic lights with no hood on. -It runs and idles a
> bit differently every time it's used on a different day....-responsive all
> all get out though, and LOTS of fun. Just ask the regular �citizens� and
> the tailgating jerks in their Beemas� , Mitsu�s, and Infinities�.
> Jeesh, I�ve tried quite a few things�.but I�m stumped with this.
> -Boy do I ever dealing with
> HATE �electronics� problems.
> Can anybody here give me a clue fellas? I sure need to try to get�er
> fixed by Thursday night as I need to take it on a 4-500 mile trip Friday
> mornin� . And I GOTTA have TOTAL reliability for every start�.
> One thing I tried was to remove the coil wire and try cranking it over �and
> she spins over freely like it ought�a -but with the wire back in place, it
> labors. -making you wonder if it will or if it won�t. You know?
> That tells me �timing� -so I checked�.and it was right where it always
> is. Checked down low without vacuum, and at about 2500-3000 for total.
> And she runs like a bear when she is running, -and slows normally as you
> retard the spark and raises again as you advance it at idle�.. normal
> stuff.
> When cranking and it�s straining, if you give it a squirt with the gas
> pedal, whoom! She starts! -USUALLY. I�d say the ol� MSD box is doin�
> it�s job to fire it off at such a low RPM crankijng speed.
> So if that�s working fine, and the timing is reasonably right, the
> starters �new� and so�s the Battery, WHAT NEXT?
> ANY IDEAS greatly appreciated boys. I�ll be back online in the late
> morning. Oh, I forgot to say that I�ve had the new NAPA battery on
> trickle charge since 10 am because it did not show a �full� charge when the
> counterman checked it this morning when I purchased it. I did try
> starting the beast once before putting it on the charger (2 amp) and it
> acted about the same as it did before; with a slooooow grunting, begrudging
> start�. however, that said, could it be just co-incidence
> that because it was down a bit it would act that way too? (like the old
> battery did) Like maybe when I get home in an hour from Colleggg all
> will be right with the world again???? Naw I did�nt think so either�..
> Aw Hell, boys What gives?????
> ________________________________________________________________________