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Re: To Duct or not to Duct, That is the Question...

Subject: Re: To Duct or not to Duct, That is the Question...
From: "Thomas E. Bryant" <>
Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 09:18:01 -0700
According to my memory, in the early 60's we were losing the Studebakers
at about 180 MPH, spinning and some went upside down. One was caught on
a movie camera and it was evident that the rear was lifting causing it
to spin. The cars were wings! The ducts were installed to relieve the
low pressure area behind the rear window, thus making them stable to
well over 200 MPH.  

It's interesting to watch this discussion and I think that it is a good
and helpful exercise. I have served on the SCTA Rules Committee in the
past. It is very difficult to write rules that are fair, safe, and
easily understood. Much is left up to interpretation. Even our nation's
laws are not really defined until tried in court. The Ten Commandments
were ten verses of Scriptures, but it required chapters of Scripture to
define their application. One of "Murphy's Laws" says, "It is impossible
to make anything "foolproof", because fools are to ingenious!"

Tom wrote:
>         I know I have seen Studebakers with large ducts running from the
> floor forward of the rear end to openings just behind the rear window. This
> takes air from a high pressure area under the car and dumps it into a low
> pressure area behind the backlight. I guess that's legal.   Rich Fox

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