Yep, that's him. He did mention he had something to do with P&W, as we
talked quite a bit about the legendary PT6 (powers most turboprop
On 3/10/2025 11:02 AM, Bob Haskell wrote:
> Bob,
> Probably from Craig Rice, a retired Allison Gas Turbine jet engine
> engineer.
> Bob Haskell
> Austin-Healey 3000 roadster registrar
> On 3/10/25 12:11, Bob Spidell via Healeys wrote:
>> #3 looks very similar to the ones I acquired for my BN2. I got them
>> from a former jet engine engineer for Pratt & Whitney who made a
>> small batch as a retirement project, who claimed to have researched
>> them thoroughly. He constructed them from spun brass with 'proper'
>> chrome plating (copper->nickel->chrome). I have no idea where he
>> acquired the lenses, but IIRC--and the Moss catalog shows--they were
>> attached to the plinths with 10-32 screws. The rubber pads I got from
>> David Nock at BCS who had a batch made since the "usual suspects'"
>> offerings were not up-to-snuff.
>> Bob
>> On 3/10/2025 8:15 AM, Michael Salter wrote:
>>> I'm working on a Concours Guidelines update about reflectors and
>>> would appreciate some help.
>>> IÂ have these 3 examples.
>>> 1. This type has a grooved rubber back allowing it to be inserted
>>> into a hole in the plinth pressed into the rear shroud of earlier 6
>>> cylinder cars.
>>> 2. This is a type that I don't know about. It appears to require an
>>> outer lens (probably the colical type) BUT it has a 10/32 thread
>>> sticking out the back such as the later 100 type did.
>>> 3. This type has the same back side as #1 but the front looks to me
>>> to be of the type fitted to the plinth on the later 100's.
>>> I suspect that #s 2 and 3 are not Healey but am open to being
>>> corrected.
>>> M
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