The current discussion re: "What should us old f***s do with our Healeys
when we're too decrepit to drive them and the kids and grandkids
(mostly) want nothing to do with them"--and related to a couple ads I've
gotten recently from AHSpares--got me to thinking. I've largely kept the
100M my dad found in the local newspaper that we restored together
original, but now I'm thinking, pursuant to that conversation, why not
make some 'tweaks' to improve its drive-ability, since it won't end up a
museum piece anyway? In particular: the brakes suck. They're all
new/refurbished, and stop well enough for drums, but pull badly and no
amount of adjustment makes any difference (my dad's '65 Mustang, with
all drums, was even worse, and I advised the guy who bought it to
install front disks since it was to be his teenage daughter's car).
'Spares also hit me with an ad for an upgraded Panhard kit, which
supposedly improves handling--though, besides the brakes I have no
issues with its handling--but, why not (since I'll be shipping across
The Pond anyway)?
Anyway, anyone got experience with either of these mods, esp. the brake
kit (the rotors look a little thin compared to my BJ8's)? FWIW, I'll be
72 this year but can still drive well enough to wrangle a 480HP
Mustang--my wife might disagree--and I'm considering re-upping my pilot
medical (which, if I'm successful, should tell me something about my