FWIW, I've had PU tie rod bushings for probably 50K miles or so with no
issues (I have a Texas Cooler fan, with only about a quarter inch
clearance with the radiator tank, so it's critical). Same with front
suspension--including sway bar--but the damn things squeak.
Not to brag--OK, I'm bragging--but I'll bet I drive my BJ8 harder than
most; about 5K miles/year over all kinds of roads, which makes it a
pretty good test bed. Worst road ever: drove through Cholame, CA to
check out the James Dean memorial and took the Parkfield-Coalinga Road;
north of Parkfield it's a one-lane dirt road. It's hard as concrete and
must have had a lousy grading job--think the blade must have been
'skipping'--that made it essentially a large washboard. Ten miles or so
of constant, rhythmic pounding that could shake the fillings out of your
teeth, but the suspension held together.
On 10/22/2015 3:14 AM, Oudesluys wrote:
> I do not think so as this also has to work as a vibration damper and
> rubber is better in that respect than PU. Perhaps you can fit a sleeve
> around it to protect it from oil.
> Kees Oudesluijs
> Op 22-10-2015 om 12:04 schreef Bob Haskell:
>> Larry and Michael,
>> Would you use urethane bushings for the engine tie rod (lower/rear
>> gearbox/OD mount)? Urethane doesn't deteriorate like rubber when oil
>> soaked. But it doesn't absorb as much shock loading either.
>> Cheers,
>> Bob Haskell
>> AHCA 3000 Mk I registrar
>> http://www.ciahc.org/registry_3000mk1.php
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