I am declaring my 1962 MKII 3000 officially back on the road after a
multi-year restoration. I have only driven it about 160 miles on
short trips. There are a few things to finish up and it needs some
fine tuning because it seems to lack the power I feel it should have.
There is a little backfiring while accelerating and under load
uphill. The front and rear carbs are a little rich and the middle
carb seems fine as judged from looking at the plug colors. It is
mostly stock except for a Denis Welch cam and a lightened flywheel.
It also has a Lempert differential which kind of makes the OD useless.
Many thanks to all of the listers. The help was invaluable and
provided the answers and guidance that was so often needed during the
restoration process. I am not leaving the list because I am sure to
have more questions, need help and of course, help others achieve
there goal of keeping these wonderful cars running.
John Spaur
San Jose, CA
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