One thing that one of my Healey buddies found that works well is the factory
jack from a current to late model Chrysler / Dodge minivan - we buy them
from the auto wreckers for not very much money. It's good because the
operating handle is incorporated, and it fits well in the space that the
original jack is stowed, with most of the thing projecting downwards so that
the spare still stows easily on top of it. You don't have a jack handle
running around the boot.
Haven't had to use one yet, but what I can do is take a couple of photos for
you and send them - I just finished the install on my BJ8.
Earl Kagna
Victoria, B.C.
BJ8, BT7 tri-carb
-----Original Message-----
From: Dr. C. Rubino
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 10:58 AM
To: healeylist
Subject: [Healeys] jacks
A variation on the theme.
I have a mechanical scissors jack (have to turn the handle around
Last year I had a flat and found that my old age has robed me of strength
I could not get the wheel off the ground. Fortunately a strong young man
stopped to help.
I have been looking at alternative jakes and have focused on the the
jack (handle pumps up and down just like a standard floor jack.
Called Big Red you can find it at, Model T1152.
Itbs a little bigger than I would like but would allow me to do the job.
|Any thoughts?
Chris Dimmock your response to me of Sept/11 is still a good idea. I am just
wondering about this one.