Hi Mark, yes, we made that mod on my black and white car.
But it was done during the total rebuild. So when the car came off
the road it had triple webers etc, but the engine was pretty tired.
When it went back on the road 6 months later, it had the spark plug
seat mod, but also Cosworth pistons, roller rockers, a 300 degree cam,
higher compression, lighter everthing else, a straight cut close ratio
gearbox and a total rebuild of everything (body, chassis, mechanicals)
- everything except the interior. It still has it's original dash and
original leather seats.
So any comparision from my end is moot.
Sent from my iPhone
On 22/09/2011, at 3:41 PM, <ardmorebusiness at xtra.co.nz> wrote:
> Chris,
> Can I assume you made the spark plug hole mods to your BJ8 - CD 3000.
> If so, was there a noticeable improvement in performance?
> In particular I was wondering about idling, and pickup response when
> you accelerate.
> Cheers
> Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Dimmock [mailto:austin.healey at gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, 22 September 2011 11:16 a.m.
> To: Bob Spidell; healeys at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] cylinder head questions
> Hi Bob. The issue is that when the plugs are screwed in, and
> tightened, they don't go in far enough for the end of the plug to go
> into the combustion chamber - as it does on all other Westlake
> designed heads. The plugs are up to 200 thou away from the roof of the
> combustion chamber in the 960 head.
> So you machine the plug seat, on the outside of the head, where the
> plugs screw in. By removing metal from the head where the plug screws
> in and seats, you allow the plugs to be able to screw down so they
> reach the roof of the combustion chamber, as Harry Westlake originally
> designed it, and as the pics of other Westlake designed heads show.
> Obviously measure each one.
> Best
> Chris
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 22/09/2011, at 1:07 AM, Bob Spidell <bspidell at comcast.net> wrote:
>> I couldn't get from Chris' page what the 'solution' is; mill out the
>> plug hole, or the inside of the chamber?
>> Bob
>> --------------------------------
>> Bob Spidell - San Jose, CA
>> Chris & Mark,
>> Thanks for the information. I checked my two 960 heads & they both
>> have the
>> plugs recessed in the combustion chamber as per Chris' information &
>> photographs.
>> If this is a machining mistake it is still a mystery why they never
>> corrected
>> it. And why the BJ8 is the only model a greater advance.
>> Gary
>> Chris and Gary,
>> I also have an original works head. It too has the AEC 721 number
>> cast into the top.
>> As an aside, I was told long ago that the heads were made 'after
>> ours' when production had stopped for the day. They were apparently
>> ade from recycled diff. heads that had been melted down.
>> 've not done a side-by-side comparison of the 721 and the 960 or
>> lue-printed either of them, but I have been told that there is also
> a
>> light difference in the squish area in the heads, the 721 being
>> onsidered the better designed one.
>> ne of our racers here in NZ actually replaced the 960 on his BJ8
> with
>> he 721. He reckoned it gave him a marginal improvement in
>> erformance. I don't know how scientific his analysis was . . .
> that
>> as back in the 70s.
>> Cheers
>> Mark Donaldson
>> Auckland. NZ