FWIW, I have had several of these switches go bad over a 5/6 year time
When i have problems with the O/D, it has usually been the hole in the
valve on the right side of the unit that is clogged up. I pull the valve
and give it a good cleaning and blow it out and it works great again. I
also lost a solonoid once--but if was fried so easy to tell it was bad:)
> [Original Message]
> From: Greg Lemon <glemon@neb.rr.com>
> To: <MBran89793@aol.com>; <Drtrite@aol.com>; <conbreda@eircom.net>;
> Date: 5/14/06 9:59:16 PM
> Subject: Re: overdrive
> Yes my toggle switch went wonkey on me which I guess is not too terrible
> after about 50 years, I did not see an easy way to take it apart, believe
> was riveted together, so I figured what the heck and sprayed WD40 in it
> it soak and drain and it has worked fine since, no guarantees on this
> but certainly easy enough to try if your switch has gone wonkey.
> Greg Lemon