Try some of the "fast orange" type cleaners. We use a Zep orange type
cleaner to clean the asphalt oils off of our asphalt pavers and dump trucks.
Clean-up with water and/or soap and water. Don't let it set on paint too
-----Original Message-----
From: Edward Anderson []
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 2:20 PM
Subject: Strip tarpaper off floorboards
Hi, The paper is probably bone dry, void of original tar. Either way I'd
try liberally soaking w/ paint thinner giving it time to loosen paper.
Should come right off w/ pytty knife. Should it not work easily bump up
chemical by using mek (methyl ethyl ketone). No smoking! Iron workers I'm
told prefer the latter to clean steel prio to painting as it leaves no
residue like paint thinner.