Thank you for the clarification. Sorry to all if my original description
was unclear.
All the best
>I have in the shop right now quite an early BN1, body #156 build date
>10 August 1953. The welded on steady bracket to support the bonnet pull
>handle tabs down to the vertical about 6" forward of the dash. This
>same bracket spot welded horizontally up under the inner scuttle
>support also goes back to under the area where the dash mirror mounts
>with a 90 degree bend to the vertical plane so the steady screw can
>pass through from the dash, anchored in place with flat, lock and nut.
>In other words it is not two seperate brackets rather it is one piece
>of metal, spot welded under the scuttle metal, tabbed down at both
>ends, the forward bend and hole to support the bonnet pull rod, the
>rear bend to support the dash.
>As John Harper states this was changed at approx. body 3800.
>Rich Chrysler
John Harper