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Re: [Fot] Radiators

To: FOT Triumph <>
Subject: Re: [Fot] Radiators
From: Joe Boruch via Fot <>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 22:54:24 +0000 (UTC)
References: <>

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 Howe just made a custom radiator for my TR3.=C2=A0 I had the same one made=
 by them over 20 years ago.=C2=A0 The tubes on that old one have started cl=
ogging and it was running hot.=C2=A0 It was $400 20 years ago and it is abo=
ut $900 now, about inline with inflation over these last 20 years.JoeB
    On Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 12:16:23 PM EDT, Scott Janzen via Fot <f=> wrote: =20
 someone had asked recently about aluminum radiator sources. =C2=A0I just h=
ad a couple made for a sports racer I=E2=80=99m restoring. =C2=A0After gett=
ing a quote from Wizard, who has done great work for me before, I choked on=
 the price and got three other quotes. =C2=A0Two were consistent, but the t=
hird, from Howe Radiators ( wa=
s literally half the price. =C2=A0I traded a couple of emails, looked at wh=
o they are, and figured I had to try it. =C2=A0The new rads showed up today=
 (less than two weeks =C2=A0from ordering) and are excellent craftsmanship.=
 =C2=A0Totally custom - I sent in the old side-pod radiators and they copie=
d them.I doubt Howe can beat an off-the-shelf product, but if you need anyt=
hing non-stock absolutely consider them.
This was a difference of $1500 from others, to $775 from Howe. =C2=A0I do n=
ot see that anything was compromised at all.
Scott'68 Triumph GT6_______________________________________________


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<html><head></head><body><div class=3D"ydpd4f121c1yahoo-style-wrap" style=
=3D"font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px=
        <div dir=3D"ltr" data-setdir=3D"false">Howe just made a custom radi=
ator for my TR3.&nbsp; I had the same one made by them over 20 years ago.&n=
bsp; The tubes on that old one have started clogging and it was running hot=
.&nbsp; It was $400 20 years ago and it is about $900 now, about inline wit=
h inflation over these last 20 years.</div><div dir=3D"ltr" data-setdir=3D"=
        <div id=3D"ydpd4f121c1yahoo_quoted_2369668625" class=3D"ydpd4f121c1=
            <div style=3D"font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, s=
                    On Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 12:16:23 PM EDT, Scott J=
anzen via Fot &lt;; wrote:
                <div><div id=3D"ydpd4f121c1yiv1084285110"><div>someone had =
asked recently about aluminum radiator sources. &nbsp;I just had a couple m=
ade for a sports racer I=E2=80=99m restoring. &nbsp;After getting a quote f=
rom Wizard, who has done great work for me before, I choked on the price an=
d got three other quotes. &nbsp;Two were consistent, but the third, from Ho=
we Radiators (<a href=3D""; clas=
s=3D"ydpd4f121c1yiv1084285110" rel=3D"nofollow" target=3D"_blank">https://h=</a>) was literally half the price. &nbs=
p;I traded a couple of emails, looked at who they are, and figured I had to=
 try it. &nbsp;The new rads showed up today (less than two weeks &nbsp;from=
 ordering) and are <u class=3D"ydpd4f121c1yiv1084285110">excellent</u> craf=
tsmanship. &nbsp;Totally custom - I sent in the old side-pod radiators and =
they copied them.<div class=3D"ydpd4f121c1yiv1084285110">I doubt Howe can b=
eat an off-the-shelf product, but if you need anything non-stock absolutely=
 consider them.</div><div class=3D"ydpd4f121c1yiv1084285110"><br class=3D"y=
dpd4f121c1yiv1084285110"></div><div class=3D"ydpd4f121c1yiv1084285110">This=
 was a difference of $1500 from others, to $775 from Howe. &nbsp;I do not s=
ee that anything was compromised at all.</div><div class=3D"ydpd4f121c1yiv1=
084285110"><br class=3D"ydpd4f121c1yiv1084285110"></div><div class=3D"ydpd4=
f121c1yiv1084285110">NFI.</div><div class=3D"ydpd4f121c1yiv1084285110"><br =
class=3D"ydpd4f121c1yiv1084285110"></div><div class=3D"ydpd4f121c1yiv108428=
5110">Scott</div><div class=3D"ydpd4f121c1yiv1084285110">'68 Triumph GT6</d=
iv></div></div>_______________________________________________<br><a href=
=3D""; rel=3D"nofollow" target=3D"_blank">fot@autox=</a><br><br><a href=3D""; rel=3D"nofollow"=
 target=3D"_blank"></a><br><br>Donate: <a href=3D"=</a><br>Archive: <a href=3D"
rchive" rel=3D"nofollow" target=3D"_blank"></a=
> <a href=3D""; rel=3D"nofollow" target=3D"=
_blank"></a><br>Unsubscribe/Manage: <a hre=
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