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Re: [Fot] pop up pistons for the TR2-4 engine ? RE: TR3 Race pistons and

To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [Fot] pop up pistons for the TR2-4 engine ? RE: TR3 Race pistons and liners
From: fubog1 via Fot <>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 14:27:04 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: "" <>
References: <007201d7d589$15ff7ce0$41fe76a0$>

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

 The lump on the piston sure will disrupt flame travel & swirl, and that ca=
n lead to detonation.You'll be able to see it on the chamber/piston top; it=
'll be perfectly clean where there hasn't been any burn.A .050ish lump work=
s well if the edges are all chamfered so that the mixture isn't trapped any=
where, but the pistons with a real "dome" that don't require much head mill=
ing are worthless in a race engine.
Glen Efinger
-----Original Message-----
From: Alexandre Camoletti via Fot <>
To: 'Mike Harmuth' <>; 'Erik Jacobsen' <kekjacobsen@yahoo.=
Sent: Tue, Nov 9, 2021 11:44 am
Subject: [Fot] pop up pistons for the TR2-4 engine ? RE: TR3 Race pistons a=
nd liners

<!--#yiv4466933430 filtered {}#yiv4466933430 filtered {}#yiv4466933430 filt=
ered {}#yiv4466933430 filtered {}#yiv4466933430 filtered {}#yiv4466933430 p=
.yiv4466933430MsoNormal, #yiv4466933430 li.yiv4466933430MsoNormal, #yiv4466=
933430 div.yiv4466933430MsoNormal {margin:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-si=
ze:12.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman", "serif";}#yiv4466933430 a:link, #y=
iv4466933430 span.yiv4466933430MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:und=
erline;}#yiv4466933430 a:visited, #yiv4466933430 span.yiv4466933430MsoHyper=
linkFollowed {color:purple;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv4466933430 span.y=
iv4466933430EmailStyle17 {font-family:"Garamond", "serif";color:windowtext;=
font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;}#yiv4466933430 .yiv4466933430MsoChpDe=
fault {font-family:"Calibri", "sans-serif";}#yiv4466933430 filtered {}#yiv4=
466933430 div.yiv4466933430WordSection1 {}-->Gents, I recall, but I may be =
mistaken, that Kas wrote in one of his books that he had experimented pop u=
p pistons but because of the specific shape of the TR2-4 combustion chamber=
s the pop up design was detrimental to the propagation of the flame front a=
nd actually this was offsetting the compression gain, so he abandoned this =
route to remain on the traditional milling one (with thin steel headgasket,=
 which can make quite an additional difference). =C2=A0De=C2=A0: Fot [mailt=] De la part de Mike Harmuth via Fot
Envoy=C3=A9=C2=A0: mardi 9 novembre 2021 15:26
=C3=80=C2=A0: Erik Jacobsen
Cc=C2=A0: FOT Triumph
Objet=C2=A0: Re: [Fot] TR3 Race pistons and liners =C2=A0I don't know what =
size jugs you have on the engine but I came across these new Venolia TR pis=
tons on E-Bay the other day. The shop selling them has gotten some bad pres=
s since the original=C2=A0owner moved on but it looks like they're in the p=
rocess of selling off old inventory and these seem like a good price. I bou=
ght a set of Venolia Spitfire pistons from them yesterday and they're on th=
e way.NFI, just passing this on =C2=A0
?hash=3Ditem597feba735:g:fxIAAOSwUYVheVG5 =C2=A0mike h =C2=A0On Tue, Nov 9,=
 2021 at 9:05 AM Erik Jacobsen via Fot <> wrote:
Good morning FoT!Karen and I are working on the TR3 race car, and are looki=
ng for your advice on pistons and liners for it. We are attempting to build=
 a (semi) streetable race motor for our 3. It has a Crane 244-310-8 cam, an=
d the head has been ported and is running big valves, so we are figuring th=
e compression should be in the 10.5-11.5:1 range. It has H-beam rods and a =
worked crank, but we will still keep the revs under 6500 in an attempt to k=
eep it all in one piece.=C2=A0There seems to be very little info on what pe=
ople are running for race pistons floating around on the net.=C2=A0=C2=A0 =
=C2=A0Thanks!Jake & Karen Jacobsen=C2=A0___________________________________=




Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<div style=3D"color:black;font: 10pt Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
<div style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica;font-size:10pt;color:black">
<div id=3D"yiv4466933430">
<div style=3D"color:black;font:10pt Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">

<div> <font size=3D"2">The lump on the piston sure will disrupt flame trave=
l &amp; swirl, and that can lead to detonation.</font></div>

<div><font size=3D"2">You'll be able to see it on the chamber/piston top; i=
t'll be perfectly clean where there hasn't been any burn.</font></div>

<div><font size=3D"2">A .050ish lump works well if the edges are all chamfe=
red so that the mixture isn't trapped anywhere, but the pistons with a real=
 "dome" that don't require much head milling are worthless in a race engine=


<div><font size=3D"2">Glen Efinger</font><br clear=3D"none">

<div> <br clear=3D"none">

<div> <br clear=3D"none">

<div style=3D"font-family:arial, helvetica;font-size:10pt;color:black;"><fo=
nt size=3D"2">-----Original Message-----<br clear=3D"none">
From: Alexandre Camoletti via Fot &lt;;<br clear=3D"no=
To: 'Mike Harmuth' &lt;;; 'Erik Jacobsen' &lt;kekjacobs=;<br clear=3D"none">
Cc:<br clear=3D"none">
Sent: Tue, Nov 9, 2021 11:44 am<br clear=3D"none">
Subject: [Fot] pop up pistons for the TR2-4 engine ? RE: TR3 Race pistons a=
nd liners<br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">

<div id=3D"yiv4466933430yqt16954" class=3D"yiv4466933430yqt6198582667">
<div id=3D"yiv4466933430"><style><!--
#yiv4466933430  =20
 filtered {}
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#yiv4466933430 filtered {}
#yiv4466933430 filtered {}
#yiv4466933430  =20
 p.yiv4466933430MsoNormal, #yiv4466933430  li.yiv4466933430MsoNormal, #yiv4=
466933430  div.yiv4466933430MsoNormal
=09{margin:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Times Ne=
w Roman", "serif";}
#yiv4466933430  a:link, #yiv4466933430  span.yiv4466933430MsoHyperlink
#yiv4466933430  a:visited, #yiv4466933430  span.yiv4466933430MsoHyperlinkFo=
#yiv4466933430  span.yiv4466933430EmailStyle17
=09{font-family:"Garamond", "serif";color:windowtext;font-weight:normal;fon=
#yiv4466933430  .yiv4466933430MsoChpDefault
=09{font-family:"Calibri", "sans-serif";}
#yiv4466933430 filtered {}
#yiv4466933430  div.yiv4466933430WordSection1


<div class=3D"yiv4466933430WordSection1">

<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:12.5pt;" lan=
g=3D"EN-US">Gents, </span></div>

<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:12.5pt;" lan=
g=3D"EN-US">I recall, but I may be mistaken, that Kas wrote in one of his b=
ooks that he had experimented pop up pistons but because of the specific sh=
ape of the TR2-4 combustion chambers the pop up design was detrimental to t=
he propagation of the flame front and actually this was offsetting the comp=
ression gain, so he abandoned this route to remain on the traditional milli=
ng one (with thin steel headgasket, which can make quite an additional diff=

<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:12.5pt;" lan=
g=3D"EN-US"> &nbsp;</span></div>

<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"><b><span style=3D"font-size:10.0pt;" =
lang=3D"FR">De&nbsp;:</span></b><span style=3D"font-size:10.0pt;" lang=3D"F=
R"> Fot [] <b>De la part de</b> Mike Harmu=
th via Fot<br clear=3D"none">
<b>Envoy=C3=A9&nbsp;:</b> mardi 9 novembre 2021 15:26<br clear=3D"none">
<b>=C3=80&nbsp;:</b> Erik Jacobsen<br clear=3D"none">
<b>Cc&nbsp;:</b> FOT Triumph<br clear=3D"none">
<b>Objet&nbsp;:</b> Re: [Fot] TR3 Race pistons and liners</span></div>

<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"> &nbsp;</div>


<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal">I don't know what size jugs you have =
on the engine but I came across these new Venolia TR pistons on E-Bay the o=
ther day. The shop selling them has gotten some bad press since the origina=
l&nbsp;owner moved on but it looks like they're in the process of selling o=
ff old inventory and these seem like a good price. I bought a set of Venoli=
a Spitfire pistons from them yesterday and they're on the way.</div>


<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal">NFI, just passing this on</div>



<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"> &nbsp;</div>



<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"><a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferre=
r" shape=3D"rect" target=3D"_blank" href=3D"



<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"> &nbsp;</div>



<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal">mike h</div>



<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"> &nbsp;</div>



<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal">On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 9:05 AM Erik J=
acobsen via Fot &lt;<a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" =
ymailto=3D""; target=3D"_blank" href=3D"mailto:fot@="></a>&gt; wrote:</div>


<blockquote style=3D"border:none;border-left:solid #CCCCCC 1.0pt;padding:0c=
m 0cm 0cm 6.0pt;margin-left:4.8pt;margin-right:0cm;">




<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"><span style=3D"">Good morning FoT!</s=



<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"><span style=3D"">Karen and I are work=
ing on the TR3 race car, and are looking for your advice on pistons and lin=
ers for it. We are attempting to build a (semi) streetable race motor for o=
ur 3. It has a Crane 244-310-8 cam, and the head has been ported and is run=
ning big valves, so we are figuring the compression should be in the 10.5-1=
1.5:1 range. It has H-beam rods and a worked crank, but we will still keep =
the revs under 6500 in an attempt to keep it all in one piece.&nbsp;</span>=



<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"><span style=3D"">There seems to be ve=
ry little info on what people are running for race pistons floating around =
on the net.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div>



<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"><span style=3D""> &nbsp;</span></div>



<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"><span style=3D"">Thanks!</span></div>



<div class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal"><span style=3D"">Jake &amp; Karen Jac=




<div style=3D"margin-bottom:12.0pt;" class=3D"yiv4466933430MsoNormal">_____=
__________________________________________<br clear=3D"none">
<a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" ymailto=3D"mailto:fo=" target=3D"_blank" href=3D"";>fot@=</a><br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
<a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" target=3D"_blank" hr=
ef=3D"";></a><br clear=3D=
<br clear=3D"none">
lank" href=3D"";>
tml</a><br clear=3D"none">
Archive: <a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" target=3D"_=
blank" href=3D"";>
</a> <a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" target=3D"_blan=
k" href=3D"";>http://www.=<br clear=3D"none">
ct" target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">
</a><br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">





_______________________________________________<br clear=3D"none">
<a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" ymailto=3D"mailto:fo=" target=3D"_blank" href=3D"";>fot@=</a><br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
<a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" target=3D"_blank" hr=
ef=3D"";></a><br clear=3D=
<br clear=3D"none">
lank" href=3D"";>
tml</a><br clear=3D"none">
Archive: <a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" target=3D"_=
blank" href=3D"";>
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k" href=3D"";>
/fot</a><br clear=3D"none">
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<br clear=3D"none">
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