Today was the final day of the first Utah Fast Pass event. As I sit in my
office and type this, the banquet, charity auction and such is going on
downtown in a plush setting. My ticket to the $150 a plate affair is right
over there, I just don't feel like attending.
Suppose a really fast, high-tech, very limited production car is cruising
along a remote stretch of Utah highway as part of the high speed, flat out
section of the three day event. Suppose this car catches a bit of air at,
say, 180 mph or so. And suppose that when the front wheels return to planet
earth they are not pointed in the same direction the rest of the car is
As a testament to the cockpit integrity of the car, the driver is in the
hospital with only moderate injuries. Not too shabby after rolling over
seven times at close to 200 mph. Gathering up a million dollar car
in bite-sized pieces is not a pleasant task.
"Where you've been is good and gone, all you keep is the gettin' there."