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RE: Accusump operation

Subject: RE: Accusump operation
From: "" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 10:51:56 -0400
Hi Unk!

Are you back from the JJJ Road Show?  I hope all went well and you had a
lot of fun!  

We keep the Accusump preloaded from the last time we ran the car.  It stays
about 80 psi.  I open the valve before I start the engine to pre-lube it,
and it drops to about 25 psi (the air pressure in the internal bladder) and
pops the engine oil pressure gauge up.  I crank the engine, and when it
starts, the pressure goes right back up to normal engine pressure of about
80 psi.  I leave the valve open through the race and turn it off when I am
pulling into the garage area.  

It is difficult for me to see the Accusump gauge while racing, since the
unit is mounted on the floor next to my seat, but I don't see why it would
not maintain the same pressure as the engine, judging from what I have seen
on start-up, while running, and after a race.

Brad got me the electric valve for my Accusump for Christmas a couple years
ago, and it has been great.  

Hope this helps!

Susan    :)
#42FP Spitfire "Tristan"

Original Message:
From: Jack W. Drews
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 07:26:03 -0500
Subject: Accusump operation

Questions for those of you who have an Accusump:

I'd like to know what you see on the Accusump pressure gauge in relation to 
what you see on your oil pressure gauge.

1. When you start your engine -- how low does the pressure shown on the 
Accusump gauge go? When the engine starts, how long does it take for the 
pressure on the Accusump gauge to reach its highest level? During this 
period, does the Accusump gauge read the same as your oil pressure gauge?

2. While running, does the Accusump gauge read the same as your oil 
pressure gauge?


uncle jack

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