Kris's article on brake plumbing was very useful. I have only
one area that my own experience differs and that may be due
to the particular double flare tool ai have used to make bubble
flares. We have two different double flare tools in the shop from
different manufacturers, but they produce exactly the same result, even tho
the adapter pieces look like they should form
visibly different bubles. In both cases, the od of the bubble is
smaller than the bubble formed by a correct bubble flare only
tool. This smaller id allows the nut to creep over the flare enough
that there is a risk of the nut running into the female fittings
floor at about the same time the bubble is getting adequately
pressured against it. Also the tendency of the nut to spread
over the bubble and thus wreck the threads of the fitting upon
the next removal is enhanced. We use the bubble only tool
(K-D 3482) only. A nice side benefit of the bubble formed by
this tool is that the surface the nut engages is flat and parallel
to the nut face it engages.
art d