On Sat, 19 Feb 2000, Patrick McMullen wrote:
> Dan,
> I may be way off base here but this is a formula for just such a
> dimension:
> P=(AxSxD�)divided by(1400xd�)
> Where as:
> P= pipe length
> A= degrees duration
> S= stroke in inches
> D= diameter of piston in inches
> d= diameter of exhaust valve in inches
> This was given to me a number of years back by JK Jackson. I'm
> sorry I do not remember what the constant (1400) represented. The
> whole formula may be TR6 specific...but I don't think so.
> Somewhere I have a book with more math formulas then you can shake
> a stick at, all automotive related.
> Has anyone else seen this formula?
Yes, I have. It used to be on the Temple of Triumph web site a year or
two ago...
> Or did I just give away a
> "Super Secret" proprietory information tid bit (sorry JK!) only
> known to Irish rocket scientist!!! (Is there such a thing?)
I believe 1400 is a constant for the speed of sound in feet per second,
but I could be wrong.
> Patrick McMullen in NC (Yes I have a brother named Mike)
Bob in Cambridge... Massachusetts. No, not that liberal arts school up
the creek!
> I swear...NO whiskey was involved!
Ummm - okay Pat. Whatever you say.
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