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Fw: Follow up to Bill Damdingers joke

To: <>
Subject: Fw: Follow up to Bill Damdingers joke
From: "Paul Richardson" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2000 20:17:36 -0000
> From: Paul Richardson <>
> To:
> Subject: Follow up to Bill Damdingers joke
> Date: 29 January 2094 20:14
> There's two eighty year old ladies in an old folks home, and Nelly's
> getting bored. She says to Nancy "God I'm fed up, I think I'm goin' to
> streak through the mens ward when they're avin their cocoa to liven the
> place up a bit.
> Anok and Ely are sitting on the end of ther beds drinking their cocoa in
> their jammys and looking down matrons dress while she took their slippers
> off - when Nelly flashes by.
> "What the bloody ell wer that," spluttered Anok - whist spilling his hot
> cocoa down the crutch of his jammys.
> " Buggered if I know" retorted Ely, "But whatever it was it wants ironing"

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