Bob Lang introduced me a little last week, I recently sold my '62
Lotus 7 and am now building the pile of TR4a parts in the yard into an
e-prepared auto-x car. I also flag for roadracing in the northeast
which is why the recent post on the meaning of flags caught my eye.
Everybody seams to view them a little diferently but this may help:
White: the tow truck driver is going down the middle of the track
Standing Yellow: somebody crashed and they're off the track
Waving Yellow: somebody crashed and they're still on the track
Yellow and Red stripe: somethings on the track you probably don't want
to hit
Blue and Yellow: in the opinion of the corner worker the guy behind is
going much faster than you
Red: now would be a good time to stop
Black: go into the pits (aka paddock)
Black and Orange (meatball): your car is falling apart
Checkered: the starter threw the flag early for the winner
Matt Wilder
'67 TR4a
'76 Fiat Spyder