The FOT t-shirt is a hit. We have had many requests for additional
shirts. The original
run was sold out. We are going to print another batch. We are making
one minor change. The letters "FOT" below the logo are being dropped.
"FOT" will still be on the left sleeve. Since this print run will be
fewer shirts, there is a small price increase. We have also had
requests for children's shirts. The FOT logo is too large to fit on a
youth shirt. We are going to print some adult size small shirts.
Shirts will be printed the first week in September, so PLEASE have your
order in by Monday, August 30, 1999.
"FOT" t-shirt price -- $16.00 for small - XL and $18.00 for 2XL. Price
does not include shipping. VISA/MC/Discover accepted. Please give
complete name, address and phone number when ordering. Order by fax --
419/384-3272, phone -- 800/543-6648 or email --