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I am not trying to use the list to parctice shameless self promotion, But I
noticed you did not get any responses on line at least. I make custom steering
wheel with leather grips and have done wood as well. If you have trouble finding
what you want, I can do what you want for you.
Http:// wrote:
> Have been doing some cosmetic upgrades to my vintage Formcar. Just completed
> an engine-turned aluminum dash with new gauges. Am now looking for a period-
> looking, Nardi-type steering wheel - three spoke aluminum with a wood rim,
> around 14". Any suggestions for sources? Thanks for your help. John
> Harkness, Bellville, OH
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fn: Ustes P. Lunchmode
n: Lunchmode;Ustes P.
note;quoted-printable:Inventor of the meat powered stereo, the worlds foremost
authority on die=
sel locomotive repair, a snappy dresser, and a sweet spirit that is a
er of all birds and little fury critters, damnit it!=0D=0A=
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