Hi all!
I'm sorry I didn't have time to respond yet to the great bios a couple
of you sent in. Here is an excellent example from uncle jack:
I'm Jack W. Drews from Waverly, Iowa (aka uncle jack). I've raced SCCA
on and off since 1963, including five tracks no longer in existence, in
a Sprite, TR3, FV, and FF. Currently race a blue / white stripe TR4 with
a hardtop, like the factory rallye cars. I share the driving with son
Tony in six races a year including one or two "dream" tracks (Mosport
and Sebring this year). Since retiring from a middle management job I've
devoted my time to studiously re-engineering my car towards the back of
the pack, building TR engines for others, contributing Internet advice
guaranteed to be right 50% of the time, and keeping out of my wife's
Several of you asked about a form to fill out, and Bob Lang was nice
enough to come up with one on his ownsome (thanks, Bob!):
Geographic location:
Triumph(s) Raced in the past:
Triumph(s) Currently Raced:
Current Triumph driver(s) (road cars):
Mods on your current car(s):
When you started racing:
Places you've raced:
To reiterate, I would like to compile a list of member bios, for
everyone on the list to know something about the other members, and to
forward to new initiates so they know who's on here and what kind of
cars they have.
If those of you who haven't sent one already wish to do so, you are
welcome to use the form, or to just write up a paragraph like uncle
jack. I'll put them all together and send out the completed document
(and nag those of you who haven't contributed yet unmercifully -- just
like a woman! ;) to everyone.
And, I understand several of you out there are crazy with events (right
Hardy?) and may not have time just yet, or even may not want to
participate, and that's fine! Just please let me know, so I don't nag
Thanks so much! I am really enjoying reading the ones that have come
in! We have some very neat people on this list! (Hey, we all drive
Triumphs -- we're ALL neat people!)
Keep Triumphing,
Susan :)