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New Team Thicko Mail list

To: british cars <>,
Subject: New Team Thicko Mail list
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 14:30:57 -0600
To all,

It is with great pleasure (and relief to some, I'm sure) that I announce
the formation of a Team Thicko specific mailing list. The purpose of
this list is more specific than the vintage race list in that it's
content is, and I quote... "an irreverent look at vintage racing and
participants." For those of you that have no idea what I'm talking
about, and haven't deleted this message, please see
<> for more information.

So don't subscribe if you're easily offended as we are an "equal
opportunity offender". If we're not making fun of you, chances are we
don't like you. First on our list is making fun of ourselves. The
original concept of Team Thicko was and is to have fun, and not take
ourselves or anyone else too seriously. We certainly have accomplished
that. Many of you have been on our informal "CC" list. This new official
list makes it easier for those who want to participate in the
discussions to do so. The flip side is that our specific comments will
no longer be posted on the vintage race list... so those of you lurkers
that whine about all the  Team Thicko banter can sit back and watch each
other not posting anything.

Any topic's welcome, any subject, tasteful, distasteful, or no taste.
Just remember we don't hold a grudge after we get even...

Porsche bashing is welcomed, but be advised we have found some Porsche
owners with redeeming qualities (much to our dismay).

Team Thicko now has factions all over the world, and has become one of,
if not "the" most widely recognized vintage race organization in the
world, due to our continuing tireless self promotion. You may be a core
member of some other race team or organization... makes no difference...
you can be a member of Team Thicko too. Membership involves a friendly
e-mail, subscription to the new list, or a stop by Thicko village at a
race... or approaching anyone with a Team Thicko sticker on their
vehicle and indicating your desire to join. Membership benefits include
public ridicule, the ability to borrow parts (sorry Vaughn... we don't
share women),  Team Thicko sportswear, and chowing down at the TT
trackside feasts that have become legendary. Membership is without
monetary costs (read between THAT line).

To subscribe from team-thicko, send the following in the body (not
the subject line) of an email message to "":

 <subscribe team-thicko>

To post messages to the list, use the address...


Thanks to Mark J Bradakis, keeper of the lists.


Team Thicko Flounder

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