Well it seems that a few people don't know what I'm talking about (gee, for a
change its only a few ?), so I'll try to describe the setup. For all you
people who have already done this, you can hit delete and not have to wade
through this stuff.
Are they gone ?
OK, I'll give this a go, but its not gonna be easy without the hand gestures.
This process is best done by a "real " machinist as you have to be fairly
The bolts that hold the rotor to the hub are spaced differently than the lug
bolts. Consider the flat area where the lug bolts mount as the outer face and
the area where the rotor attachment bolts as the inner flange. What you need
to do is to drill the outer face with an additional 4 holes that are in line
with the four rotor mounting bolts. The new hole has to exactely in line with
the rotor mounting bolt hole. Once you have the hole drilled, you must tap it
with a very long tap from the backside through the rotor mounting bolts so
that the new threads in the outer face are exactely in synch with the threads
of the rotor mounting bolt. This is important as you do not want to introduce
additional stresses when it is all bolted together. Now you will need some
longer grade eight bolts that are long enough to mount the rotor and continue
through to the front face. Obviously these bolts need to be threaded all the
way. Place jam nuts between the backside of the outer face and the outside of
the rotor mounting flange. If needed, a little judicious use of a file will
help the jam nuts seat.
This method will greatly strenghten the hub.
Clear as mud huh ...
Nick in Nor Cal