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Re: paint color

To: <>
Subject: Re: paint color
From: "Joe Kinstle" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 20:44:01 -0800
I think it depends what you're trying to do.  On every original car I've 
ever seen the body color is the same in the engine bay.  I'm repainting my 
car right now, and didn't even think it was an option to do any color other 
than the body color.  In my opinion, if the engine bay isn't the same color 
the body, it looks like a mistake.  The point about dark colors being hard 
to find things may be valid, but it also hides grease better, though that's 
not true of the exterior.  If I were to do a different color inthe bay, I'd 
do something interesting with it, like flames.

Just my opinion, but as my dad always says, "everybody is entitled to their 
own opinion, even if they are wrong" 

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