We have already received our first 12 entries to the show with more coming in
every day. Don't forget to get those forms in by April 10th to avoid the $10
Late Fee.
For more info on the show:
<A HREF="http://groups.msn.com/fresnodroc";>http://groups.msn.com/fresnodroc</A>
Again if anyone is interested in ordering any of the T-Shirts/Polo Shirts or
Sweatshirts and would like to have them shipped to them. Use the Reg Form and
Add $5.00 shipping for the T-Shirt/Polo Shirt and $8.00 for the Sweatshirt. I
will box them in a Priority Mail Box to protect them. Make sure you order
before April 10th.
Hope to see everyone there!!
Lou Smaldino
/// datsun-roadsters@autox.team.net mailing list
/// Archives at http://www.team.net/archive