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IG problem solved! i think!

To: "Datsun Forum" <>
Subject: IG problem solved! i think!
From: "Datsun_Sports" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 16:54:38 -0700

    Thx for all the great help. everyone has really had some good input and
I have learned allot. If you cannot tell from my postings im electrically
challenged! today I installed new battery cables. The car now starts and
shuts down with the IG switch. it also stays running. the battery seems weak
however as it chugs a few times before she cranks. I may have killed it. it
looks old anyway so it might be time. the starter nut holding the old cable
on was a little loose so I think that may have been part of my problem. So
thx again for all the help!

    Next project! the previous owner wired in another aftermarket voltage
regulator for a GM  alternator. in fact all the wires are not connected to
anything from the new unit except the one going to the alt. im not sure if
the original one is bad. is there a way to test it? can it be modified to
work with the existing ALT? is there an aftermarket regulator that's will
work or can I still get the original without breaking the bank? sorry about
all the questions!

thx again,

Mike (Las Vegas)

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