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RE: sorta <OT> race car insanity test....

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: sorta <OT> race car insanity test....
From: "Pamela Bauman" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 18:46:04 -0800
Thank you. I needed a good laugh. After scrubbing the bathroom ceiling and
walls, washing the front window and my safari, dealing with my 20 yr old
female child (being REALLY blond at the moment and wanting her FREEDOM) and
getting "Sorry, you are over-qualified for this position"
spiel, It felt wonderful to release some of the tension. As to being insane.
The physc eval my
Agency friend had done after I got 99/100 on the sniper test, showed not
insane, just a different
thought process. Extremely loyal to friends, enemies watch out. A
willingness to walk the shadows
to protect what I love and cherish. Just don't betray me. Since betrayal is
part of that culture,
I didn't pass the test. That and in '76, they had a difficult time dealing
with a woman who
could shoot better than most of the men. My friend would have enjoyed the
race car test. He would have passed, left the room, then laughed.

Safe Roadstering
Pamela Bauman

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 6:11 PM
Subject: sorta <OT> race car insanity test....

A little race car humoour for all of you who had a bad day <G>
(turn up the speakers !)

Laurie :-)
70 SPL311
Chandler, AZ

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