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Re: OT - Olympics in China?

To: "Paul" <>, <>
Subject: Re: OT - Olympics in China?
From: "datsunmike" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 08:26:17 -0400

There's an old adage: "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

I too can't believe China won the bid but if you think about the above, it
makes sense and that's what the Olympic Committee just about said.

Personally I don't trust those Commies (the government, not the people). I
was warned by an economist I met at a party about 20+ years ago to watch out
for China. He proved right.

Yes, I'm un-PC, but I don't go around shooting and arresting people who
disagree with me.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 6:53 PM
Subject: OT - Olympics in China?

>   As I sit here this evening, knowing that my job, a long with 150 other
> citizens of NE Ohio, will end this fall, I hear my local newsman announce
> that China will get the Olympics soon.  I know it is really a bunch of
> wealthy investors in Chicago that bought Wilton Tool for it's name brand
> recognition so they could exploit slave labor in China to make a fortune
> here in the US by selling junk vices and clamps.  I know our government
> still has problems with the total lack of human rights advancement in
> since that tanks rolled through the Square.  I know they kill babies in
> China born over the quota.  And they still imprison any one that disagrees
> with the ruling class.
>   So, can any one explain to me why they are handed such a reward for
> actions?  Or will  we learn about the reasons in the next Olympic
> payoff scandal!
>   Sorry to hit the list with these miscellaneous ramblings, but I just
> understand.
> Paul

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