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Re: ALL DATSUN! (long) now even longer :-)

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Subject: Re: ALL DATSUN! (long) now even longer :-)
From: <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 02:06:06 -0000
I think it will be possible for you guys to do a centrally located national
show. You see, potentially in the US you could have thousands of members,
particularly if ALL Datsuns were welcome. 510s, Roadsters and Zs will always
outnumber any other models but all those 60's Datsuns and 610s, B210s etc
etc will help make up the numbers and ever member adds strength to a club,
whatever Datsun they own. That doesn't stop any of the ROCs from existing,
or the Z clubs, or 510s.

 Obviously I have a different view on things from here in the UK, partially
because we had a greater range of Datsuns here (Cedrics, Laurels, Skylines
etc) and we never got any prior to '68 or any Roadsters officially. So I own
a variety of Datsuns which is fun. I still love my 510 and Roadster just as
much as anybody else (even though my roadster is a heap) but I like the
variety of other models too... and the rarer they get the more I like
cruising around in them :-)

Back to the show thing... This year four members of our club went to the
show in Norway, a trip of some 2700 miles. Only four? Remember this is a
club with just 300 members, most of whom didn't even know about that show,
so not bad for a first attempt.. Next year, I'm going again and so will
others and this trip involves hassles like borders to cross and ferries none
of which is a problem there, really. Myself and possible others will be
hopefully attending a show in Finland next year too and who knows where
else. I would have been at two west coast shows this year but self
employment with large expenses prevented this. (you gotta remember it's
$500+ for an air ticket).

I think the greatest motivation to get to a show is the anticipation of
seeing not only other cars like your own but the chance to see something you
have never seen before.A national Datsun club can achieve this. What this
needs is a big effort from a lot of Datsun owners to make a long journey to
a nationals for the first time. If the attendance is good the first time,
you got it made.

It does seem from this side of theAtlantic that you guys (and gals) are in a
pretty good position with Nissan USA, they are certainly more positive
toward older Datsuns than Nissan GB. It's a relationship that needs to be
worked on before it's too late and they loose interest. The best example is
Norway. Nissan there supports the Datsun club all the way. They even fund
half their annual show! They don't expect all the old car owners to rush out
and buy new Nissans, they just do it to preserve their Heritage. By doing
that they can show how sucessful their products have been in the past, a
point that I'm sure would not be lost on Nissan USA who seems reasonable
proud of it's heritage already.

I hope that something can be created from this idea of a USA Datsun club.

Sorry for going on so....

1969 SRL311 (and 16 other completely different Datsuns!)

 > All,
> OK, weighing in from the West Coast here. Yes, we have Shasta, but a hot
> button topic of late has been the fact that Nissan has stated they will
> make any more Datsun parts. Period. That means Roadsters, 510s, or early
> and ZXs.
> I agree with Eddie. This will soon become a matter of survival. I have
> dreamed of a national meet and have shared this vision with some list
> members. Almost unanimously the respone that came back was positive, but
> also that it would need to include all Datsuns. If the people on the list
> and in all Datsun organizations would just get over the ridiculous notion
> that Roadsters are better/worse than dimes which are better/worse than Zs,
> we could make this happen.
> Folks, Nissan will not listen to us unless we come together and show them
> there is still a way to make money with Datsuns. That is the bottom line
> they will tow it. I helped form SoCalROC so we could get together, go on
> rides and have fun. It is an organization in name only. I have no problem
> joining a national organization if it helps the cars. I will pay dues,
> with fund raising, volunteer at events, let people sleep in my house if
> need to and are visiting- I don't care as long as the cars stay on the
> It's all about the cars- not which one is better/worse than any other.
> So here is to the United States of America Datsun Sports Car Club- or as I
> would simply call it USA Datsun. A national meet of Datsuns is only a
> because not enough people want to make it happen. Some poeple say it won't
> work, that it would be too far to drive, that we cannot get any
> well those people can choose to feel that way. I don't.
> So East Coast, West Coast, Pacific Northwest, Southeast, Ohio, Texas, New
> England or whatever club you choose to call your own- it is fine to get
> together with your buds and go for runs and meets, but the clock is
> and we need to show some unity NOW.
> Thanks for reading the rant.
> Andrew Murphy
> SoCalROC and future member of USA Datsun (I hope)

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