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Re: Identifying a Solex Roadster

Subject: Re: Identifying a Solex Roadster
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 16:50:39 EST

First of all... I wouldnt worry to much if it were a Solex 67.5 2000.  Just 
hope it is a real 67.5 2000.  That is rare enough without worrying if it is a 
Canadian car or whatever.

Anyway... some of the things you need to look for are as follows:

Check the VIn on the frame.  It is located underneath the windshield water 
bottle.  It should say SRL311-000XXX.  (The number chould be under 999)  

Also look on the rear panel for the predrilled factory holes for the licence 
plate surround.

In the engine bay you should see a dual Brake Master Cyl.

The are several other things that seperate a 67.5 from the others but if you 
pass these tests you may very well have a eral one.

Good luck!

Michael "Calspeed" Carion
67.5 SRL311-000248 Solex

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