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Re: opinions being solicited, mirrors

To: "Andrew Murphy" <>,
Subject: Re: opinions being solicited, mirrors
From: Alex Avery <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 15:00:52 -0500
Dennis and I love the look of his fender mounted side mirrors.  They aren't
stock mirrors (although they are of the era), they aren't in the stock
fender location (they are centered over the wheel openings, wheras stock
fender mirrors were about half-way between the center of the wheel opening
and base of the windshield), but they look GREAT on the car.  Some PO put
'em on, but we're stickin with them.

Check 'em out at:

At 10:07 AM 12/13/00 -0800, Andrew Murphy wrote:
>Fergus' question about mirrors brings up some questions of my own. I also 
>have some ridiculous mirror on my driver door that is about 5 inces wide and 
>REALLY ugly. I think the PO put it on because of the need to clear the 
>window wing so you can actually use it.
>I have seen both door-mounted and fender-mounted mirrors. I am partial to 
>going with fender-mounted mirrors when I restore. I think it looks better. I 
>will have to get used to looking through the windshield when I am checking 
>mirrors, but I can live with that.
>As far as correctness, I believe there aren't many "correct" mirrors left. 
>If I remember, Fergus is right when he says that the later high windhshield 
>cars had different shapes to their mirrors with the square one on the 
>passenger side.
>For myself, I like the standard looking oval mirrors with the "swept back" 
>look to them.
>Andrew Murphy
>P.S. The meet is on Sunday the 17th, not Saturday! 11:00 am!
>From: "Ofarrell, Fergus" <>
>To: "'andrew murphy (socalroc)'" <>,        "'roman 
>rist(roadster)'" <>,        "'Victor Laury'"  
>Subject: opinions being solicited, mirrors
>Okay Gents,  (Roman, let me know if I am sending this to your business vs.
>roadster address, so I can change it if necessary)
>I need to replce my outside mirrors, due to the fact that those Baby Tornado
>black things on my car are
>A: too small (dangerous) and
>B: not very timely as far as the 60's era.
>So, I checked around the local Pick-a-parts and the Pomona Swap Meet, but
>everything I saw was for American Iron, so minimum it was 4+" diameter,
>which seems kinda big to me.  The 510 sites show pictures of a bmw 320i
>mirror, but when I saw these in the junkyards, they are kind of a "big flag"
>and go better with the squared off looks of a 510.  I was looking around for
>options and found something in an English car magazine.
>Sounds crazy to import, except my girlfriend and I are traveling to Ireland
>for Xmas, so I could have them shipped to her relatives and bring 'em back
>I am leaning towards the 'chrome on brass racing mirror, convex glass' at
>the following website, go into the Shop section, Mirrors,, blah, blah, blah.
>your input/opinion is appreciated.
>90 mm diameter is 3.6". (a mm is .040")
>36 English pounds per pair of mirrors is ~45 dollars.  New ones were 40 a
>piece at Pomona, and they were all cowl clamp-on type, 50's era.
>I know the rectangular shape is correct for the 69, but round ones look more
>'60's to me.  This company has rectangles as well, but the dimensions are of
>a rectangle that must include the stalk, as it is way too huge for just the
>lens when you draw it out.
>I have not yet checked to see how many holes there are in my doors, so this
>may be a deciding factor.
>thanks guys,  see ya Saturday?

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