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Re: who is this character?!?!

Subject: Re: who is this character?!?!
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 20:33:30 EDT
In a message dated 9/6/00 4:51:49 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

> i do not know why someone would want to steal one of those pitiful little 
> cars anyway.  it would probably break down before they got it out of the 
> parking lot.  if i were to steal a car i would steal a rare classic or a 
> modern sports car with air conditioning and fuel injection.  i would not 
> steal an overvalued, underpowered, finicky carbureted, mass produced, rust 
> bucket.  if i did consider stealing one of your mg clones i wish you would 
> shoot me with your smith and wesson.
>  disgusted in denver

LOL this is rich. someone who thinks roadsters "suck" (see email address) and 
bothers to lurk around on the list, & bothers to have them in his *special* 
email address <shaking head> tsk tsk. OK - fess up who's having "fun" w/us 
here eh ?!?!?!?
LOL -sounds like some of the trash in the aol chats !!!!

More amused than anything else........ 
Laurie :-)
70 SPL311
69 SRL311
Chandler, AZ

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