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Insurance Recomendations

Subject: Insurance Recomendations
From: <>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 08:12:54 -0500
>For all:
>Shopping for insurance.  I am planning on going with
>Parish (they advertise in GRM).  Most everybody
>else I called freaked out when I said I was 
>going to autocross the car sometimes   

Jim -   
I went through Haggerty Insurance Agency.  My premium is $132 per year for
coverage.  $7000 agreed value for my 1973 240Z and $6,000 for my 68 2000 and
no deductible.  Very reasonable (dare I say cheap) for the Atlanta area.
They require a picture & the cars must be garaged and driven less than ???
miles per year (can't remember the exact miles).  Same thing, you race and
wreck, you pay.  These folks understand that many of us don't drive our cars
a lot and take better car of them than most people take care of their new
cars.  Their was virtually no price difference insuring two cars because
they realize I can only drive one at a time :-)  Best part is the actual
insurance company is CNA.  Big company with sound financials and the ability
to pay claims.

Haggerty can be found in Hemmings and I think that they might have a web
site.  Good luck.

Chris Brucciani
Marietta, GA

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