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Re: Competition colors

To: <>,
Subject: Re: Competition colors
From: Marc Tyler <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 18:18:08 -0500 wrote

>OK, all you automotive history buffs out there � all the countries 
>campaigning in
>international auto competition used to have an official color/color 
>scheme, e.g.., UK was
>green (BRG, don't you know...), Germany was silver, France blue (I think), 
>USA white
>w/blue stripes etc.; so � who knows what (if any) was Japan's official 
>color scheme for
>auto racing? Anybody... ?
>Gary McCormick
>'70 2000
>San Jos�, CA
Speaking of Japan and racing, not too long ago I watched "Grand Prix" 
with James Garner.  It has some incredible F1 racing footage from when F1 
was worth watching.  Anyway The James Garner character looses his ride 
with a ficticious British racing team that maybe is supposed to be Lotus, 
and is brought on board a ficticious Japanese F1 team  (Yamura) headed by 
a badly dubbed Toshiro Mifune.  I had assumed Yamura was supposed to be 
Honda until I saw a Pic on Rob's site of Garner posing alongside a Datsun 
Was Yamura  Datsun?  Cool movie at any rate, worth looking for.

-Marc T-

As for color, White with red?

Marc Tyler
1970 1600 #SPL311-31016
1965 L-320 #L320 013642 (the misspent ute)
Sisterdale TX 

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